Can't I just update my listings once and be done?

Local Listings isn’t just a one time-update because of two words: things change. We actually want them to change too. We’ll paint you a little picture: Your location is changing next month. Maybe you’re a small business owner and want to spend the Fourth of July all day with your family, so you decide to close just for that day. Maybe you even decided to discount your services for the holiday weekend and want people to know about it. 

That’s where Local Listings is key-- because by regularly updating your online business listing with relevant information, your listings are optimized for Google preference. This means that with every update (hours, location, promotion, etc.), Google considers you more relevant and credible. Local Listings takes it a step even further, by protecting all of these changes too. Online threats often change online listings, without you even knowing. 

Your online listing is your online storefront. It needs to stay fresh and up-to-date, and that’s why Local Listings isn’t just a one time deal. Google loves to see change, so we do too. Say you did actually change locations—all you have to do is tell FreshLime and boom, it’s updated. Oh, you do need different holiday hours? We’ll take care of that too.