What is the Dashboard?

Really, it’s where the magic happens. It’s where you see your business’s results with the FreshLime platform. The “Home” tab will answer your basic questions across the products you have purchased through simple visuals. Then, each product has its own tab where detailed information can be found. Depending on what products you have, you will have access to different tabs like Engage, Local Listings, and Reviews. 

The “Home” tab looks a little like this:


Notice that from the Home screen, you get a little snippet of information from each product you’re using. It’s like a general overview of how you’re doing. 

You’ll find the specific tabs for Engage, Reviews, and Local Listings right here:

Let’s take you through each tab for each product. We’ll go over what you will find, and of course, why it’s important. Click through the following articles to learn about the Engage, Reviews, Listings, and Customers tab to know the full dashboard:

What is the Engage tab? 

What is the Reviews tab? 

What is the Listings tab? 

What is the Customers tab?