We’re excited to announce changes coming soon to message center on the web. In lieu of the compact experience from the upper right of your screen, now you’ll experience a full-screen version of Message Center. This allows you to keep the conversation front and center while also viewing contact details of the person you’re communicating with as well as the list of other conversations you have. Perfect for any power user trying to have conversations with multiple customers. Let’s break down some of the changes:

The Message Center icon’s new home is now in the left navigation bar replacing the tab for messenger. You’ll still see the count of urgent messages on the message center icon like always.

When you click on the message center icon, you’ll be taken to the overview page and notice the screen broken up into three parts: a conversation list, the conversation view, and the contact panel.

In the conversation list, you’ll see all of the open conversations sorted chronologically, newest to oldest. You’ll also be able to sort only those conversations with a “hand raise” or “new” badge, webchat conversations that are LIVE, or conversations that have been “resolved” by clicking on the “urgent,” “LIVE,” or “resolved” tabs respectively.

The conversation view makes that communication the central focus of the screen. One improvement we’ve made to the conversation view is that links are now clickable! Whether you sent it or received it, you can view that link and copy it or follow it to its destination. Additionally, we’re excited to announce that Full-screen Message Center is now able to display images sent by customers on Google’s Business Messages. One caveat, however, is that for now the images will expire after seven days.

Lastly, contact information for the person you are messaging is displayed on the right side of your screen. If you decide to close that panel, you can reopen it either by clicking the conversation again or the name of the customer in the conversation view.

We’re excited for these updates and look forward to more!