We’re pleased to announce that the following features have exited beta and are now generally available:

Google Business Messages

All customers now have access to enable Google's Business Messages. This means one more channel now is housed in Message Center. When enabled, customers on mobile devices who view your Google My Business listing on Google Search and Google Maps will see the option to chat with your business. These messages and conversations will be routed to Message Center and supported by AVA, our automated virtual assistant. AVA will respond immediately whenever messages come in–day or night. You also have the option to respond to customers directly either after AVA has collected all of the contact information and set a hand raise or prior to the hand raise if necessary by taking over the chat.  

To set up business messages in a few easy steps, view our step-by-step guide.

Live Chat

We've also added live chat capability to WebChat messages. AVA will continue to respond to conversations, but now from the moment that a conversation starts all the way until AVA has finished collecting contact information, you have the option to take over the chat and message the customer directly on the WebChat channel. This gives you freedom and flexibility earlier in the conversation to collect the information that you need and uniquely address concerns (👉 Full contact information will only be displayed in Message Center if AVA collects the information). With Business Message conversations, you are also able to take over for AVA prior to the hand raise.

No additional setup is required to get started using live chat.  Just look for a business message or WebChat conversation and notice the "take over chat" button at the bottom of the conversation view.

New WebChat & Business Messages Menu Supported by AVA Technology

This menu system connects website visitors with members of your team and delivers an instant response any time of day or night from AVA, automated virtual assistant technology. Specifically, your customers can start these types of conversations with you at their convenience:

Alternate Industry-Specific Quote/Estimate menu options are also available for these industries: